Moth Control

Moths can be a significant nuisance, causing damage to clothes, carpets, and other household items. It's important to identify the type of moth and understand the best method for control. In this article, we'll discuss the different types of moths and effective control methods.
bed bug control

Common Types of Moths

There are several species of moths, but the most common ones include the clothes moth, Indian meal moth, and carpet moth. Clothes moths are attracted to natural fibres such as wool, silk, and cashmere, while Indian meal moths infest stored food items like grains, nuts, and cereals. Carpet moths, on the other hand, are found in homes with carpets and feed on natural fibres.

Clothes Moths: Clothes moths are small, buff-coloured moths that feed on fabrics made of natural fibres such as wool, silk, and fur. They lay their eggs on fabrics, which hatch into larvae and feed on the fabric. To control clothes moths, it's important to regularly clean and store clothes, carpets, and other fabrics in airtight containers. Vacuuming, laundering, and freezing materials can also help.

Indian Meal Moth: Pantry moths are small, grey or brown moths that feed on stored grains and dried foods such as flour, cereal, and nuts. To control them, it's important to regularly clean pantry shelves and store food in airtight containers. Discard any infested food items and check for signs of moths regularly.

Carpet Moths: Carpet moths are small, brown moths that feed on carpets, rugs, and upholstery made of natural fibres. To control them, it's important to keep carpets and upholstery clean and vacuum regularly. Professional pest control services can also be used to treat infested areas.

By understanding the different types of moths and the best methods for controlling them, you can keep your home free of these pesky pests.

Signs of a Moth Infestation

Moth infestations are usually identified by the presence of adult moths or their larvae. Adult moths are typically seen flying around or resting on walls, while the larvae may be found in carpets, clothes, or stored food. Another sign of a moth infestation is the presence of webbing or cocoons, which are produced by the larvae.

How To Prevent Moths

Preventing a moth infestation is easier than dealing with an existing one. Here are some tips to prevent moth infestations:

  1. Regularly clean and vacuum carpets, curtains, and upholstery to remove any eggs or larvae.
  2. Store clothes and fabrics in airtight containers or sealed plastic bags.
  3. Keep stored food in airtight containers.
  4. Inspect second-hand clothing or furniture before bringing them into your home.

How To Get Rid Of Moth

If you already have a moth infestation, here are some effective control methods:

  1. Identify the source of the infestation and remove any infested items.
  2. Use pheromone traps to capture adult moths.
  3. Hire a professional pest control service to help eliminate the infestation.

Why Choose Bugwise?

BPCA-certified technicians trained to the highest standard

Comprehensive pest and bird control services

Safe and effective pest and bird control methods

Humane and environmentally friendly approach

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We're proud BPCA members

We are proud members of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), which means that we adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices.

How We Get Rid Of Moths


The first step is to inspect your property thoroughly to identify the type of pest and the extent of the infestation


Once they have identified the extent of the infestation, they will develop a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.


Based on the findings, your pest control technician will also advice you on how to prevent future bed bug infestations.

Ready To Get Rid of Moths?


Why Choose Bugwise?

BPCA-certified technicians trained to the highest standard

Comprehensive pest and bird control services

Safe and effective pest and bird control methods

Humane and environmentally friendly approach

BPCA member

We're proud BPCA members

We are proud members of the British Pest Control Association (BPCA), which means that we adhere to the highest industry standards and best practices.

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