Bird control, how to get rid of pigeons

How To Get Rid Of Pigeons

Pigeons, often considered a nuisance in urban areas, can cause property damage and spread diseases, necessitating effective measures to deter them. The corrosive nature of pigeon droppings, or pigeon guano, poses a threat to buildings, vehicles, and infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and maintenance, including pigeon droppings removal, pigeon waste removal, and pigeon guano hazardous waste disposal. Moreover, these birds can carry diseases such as salmonella, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis that can harm humans. Therefore, it is crucial to implement strategies that make roosting or nesting areas less attractive or inaccessible for pigeons, including the use of pigeon control products like netting, spikes, or electric shock systems. By understanding pigeon behaviour and employing non-harming methods of deterrence, the risk of disease transmission and property damage caused by pigeons can be significantly reduced. This article will explore various approaches to how to get rid of pigeons without causing harm while delving into what pigeons dislike the most. Join us as we unveil effective pigeon solutions to create pigeon-free environments that promote human well-being and preserve the integrity of urban spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • Pigeons can cause property damage and spread diseases.
  • Understanding pigeon behaviour is crucial in developing effective deterrent measures.
  • Various methods such as netting, spikes, electric shock systems, and repellent gels can be used to deter pigeons without causing harm.
  • Consistent application of repellent smells and physical barriers is necessary to keep pigeons away and minimize damage or health risks.

Pigeon Behaviour

Pigeon behaviour, like an unruly symphony, poses a threat to human populations, necessitating the implementation of pigeon deterrent measures to mitigate the risk of disease transmission and property damage. Feral pigeons, commonly found in urban environments, exhibit behaviours that can be both frustrating and problematic for individuals and businesses alike.

One notable aspect of pigeon behaviour is their tendency to congregate in large numbers. These birds are highly social creatures and often form flocks that can number in the hundreds or even thousands. This clustering behaviour not only exacerbates their nuisance factor but also increases the likelihood of disease transmission between pigeons and humans. Pigeons are known carriers of various diseases such as histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis, which can pose serious health risks when transmitted through contact with their droppings or feathers.

Additionally, pigeons have a natural instinct to seek shelter and nest sites in man-made structures. They frequently make use of ledges, rooftops, chimneys, and other areas where they can build nests. While this may seem harmless at first glance, their nesting activities can cause significant damage to buildings over time. Their droppings are highly acidic and corrosive, leading to the deterioration of surfaces such as stonework or metal fixtures.

To address these concerns and maintain a healthy environment for humans, several methods exist on how to get rid of pigeons effectively. These include physical barriers such as netting or spikes that prevent roosting or nest building on structures. Additionally, humane trapping methods combined with relocation programs can help reduce pigeon populations without causing harm.

Understanding pigeon behaviour is crucial in developing effective strategies for managing these pests. By implementing appropriate pigeon deterrent measures based on knowledge about their social tendencies and nesting habits while considering ethical considerations for removal techniques, it is possible to mitigate the risk of disease transmission and prevent property damage caused by these avian intruders

How to Get Rid of Pigeons Without Hurting Them

To further ensure that pigeons are kept away without causing harm to them, there are additional procedures that can be taken. These include utilizing ultrasonic devices that emit high-frequency sounds that are intolerable to the birds, installing motion-activated sprinkler systems to startle them away, and implementing bird-repellent gels or sprays on surfaces where pigeons tend to roost. These methods provide effective alternatives for deterring pigeons without causing any harm or injury to the birds themselves.

Additional Procedures to Take to Keep Pigeons Away

To further prevent pigeons from roosting and causing damage, several measures can be taken. Anti-bird spikes, also known as pigeon spikes or bird spikes, are commonly used to deter pigeons from landing on ledges and rooftops. Parallel wires can also be installed to create an obstacle for pigeons and prevent them from perching. Additionally, bird netting can be employed as a physical barrier to keep pigeons away from certain areas. Bird gel is another option that creates a sticky surface that discourages birds from landing. Lastly, decoy kites can be used as a visual deterrent to scare away pigeons. These various procedures, including bird proofing with spikes and netting, provide effective means of keeping pigeons at bay and minimizing their negative impact on human populations and property.

Anti-Bird Spikes

A widely used method for deterring pigeons from perching or nesting in unwanted areas is the installation of anti-bird spikes, which are attachable strips of spikes that discourage the birds without causing them harm. These spikes serve as effective pigeon deterrents by creating an unfavourable environment for the birds to settle. The benefits of using anti-bird spikes include:

  1. Safe and humane: Anti-bird spikes do not harm the pigeons but simply deter them from landing or roosting.
  2. Versatile application: They can be easily attached to various surfaces such as ledges, rooftops, and windowsills.
  3. Long-lasting effectiveness: Made from durable materials like stainless steel, these spikes provide a lasting solution for pigeon control.
  4. Aesthetically pleasing: Anti-bird spikes are designed to blend with their surroundings, ensuring that they do not compromise the visual appeal of buildings.

By incorporating anti-bird spikes into pigeon control measures, property owners can effectively discourage pigeons from occupying unwanted areas while maintaining a safe and visually appealing environment.

Parallel Wires

Bird-proofing with parallel wires is another effective method used to deter pigeons from landing and nesting in unwanted areas, providing a lasting solution for property owners seeking to control pigeon populations. This method involves installing parallel wires across structures that are attractive to pigeons, preventing them from perching or building nests. The diagram below illustrates the setup of parallel wires as a pigeon deterrent.

By creating this barrier, pigeons are discouraged from approaching these areas due to the lack of suitable perching or nesting spots. This humane approach effectively reduces pigeon activity and minimizes the associated risks of disease transmission and property damage caused by these pests.

Bird Netting

Bird netting, a highly effective method in deterring pigeons from accessing certain areas, is often used as a pigeon deterrent and pest control measure. This mesh netting creates a barrier that prevents the birds from nesting and causing property damage. Bird netting can be installed in various places, such as rooftops, balconies, and gardens. It is an unsightly but necessary solution to protect against the potential risks of disease and property damage that pigeons bring.

Bird Gell

Sticky gel, a chemical deterrent that creates a translucent barrier across structures, effectively hinders pigeon activity by causing the birds’ feet to become stuck to the surface. This pigeon deterrent is an efficient method for getting rid of pigeons in the UK. By making landing and perching uncomfortable for pigeons, the sticky gel discourages them from roosting on structures. The unpleasant experience of struggling to break free from the gel deters pigeons from returning, thus reducing their presence and potential damage.

Decoy Kites

Decoy kites, a method used to deter pigeon populations, rely on the visual deterrent of a kite-shaped decoy bird image that sways in the wind to discourage pigeons from landing in a specific area. By mimicking the appearance of a real bird and creating movement through wind action, decoy kites effectively serve as pigeon deterrents. However, their effectiveness can be compromised if pigeons easily overlook or ignore the decoys, making this method somewhat problematic for getting rid of pigeons.


Lasers, cutting-edge technology in the field of pest control, have emerged as a formidable deterrent against pigeon populations, harnessing their blinding light to disorient and discourage these avian pests from nesting or roosting in specific areas. By emitting a piercing light, lasers effectively disrupt the pigeons’ scouting behaviour and deter them from settling in unwanted locations. However, it is important to note that over time pigeons may become accustomed to the lasers and find ways to avoid them, necessitating additional pigeon removal strategies for long-term effectiveness on how to get rid of pigeons.

What Do Pigeons Hate?

When it comes to getting rid of pigeons on your roof, there are several effective methods that can be used. These include using bird deterrents such as spikes or netting, removing any food sources or nesting materials that may attract the pigeons, and employing scare tactics such as predator decoys or loud noises. Pigeons also have a strong aversion to certain smells, including cinnamon and hot pepper juice, which can be applied to areas where the birds frequently roost or nest to deter them from returning. In conclusion, by implementing a combination of these strategies, you can successfully remove pigeons from your roof without causing them harm.

How Do I Get Rid of Pigeons On My Roof?

One effective method for mitigating the presence of pigeons on roofs is by implementing bird netting or parallel wires, which require minimal maintenance and can serve as a continuous deterrent. Bird netting is a physical barrier that prevents pigeons from landing or nesting on the roof. It is made of durable material that withstands weather conditions and has small enough gaps to prevent birds from entering. Parallel wires are another option that creates an unstable surface for pigeons to land on, discouraging them from staying on the roof. These methods are humane and do not harm the birds. Additionally, decoy kites can be used as a short-term solution but may lose effectiveness if pigeons become accustomed to them. Falconry, where trained birds mimic pigeon flight patterns, can also be considered but requires expertise and ongoing care.

What Smell Do Pigeons Not Like?

Aversion to certain scents and odours is a common avian behaviour, and pigeons exhibit a dislike for strong aromatic smells such as pepper or essential oils. When considering how to get rid of pigeons, it is important to understand the scents that repel them. Pigeons are sensitive to pungent smells, which can make their roosting and nesting spots unlivable. Strong spices like pepper are known to deter pigeons due to their powerful scent. Similarly, essential oils with strong fragrances such as peppermint or citrus can also discourage pigeons from inhabiting an area. These scents disrupt the birds’ olfactory senses and create an unpleasant environment for them. To effectively utilize these repellent smells, consistent application in pigeon-prone areas is necessary in order to keep them away and minimize potential damage or health risks they may pose.


Pigeons are a common nuisance in urban areas due to the potential risks they pose, including property damage and disease transmission. Effective pest control measures are necessary to deter these birds from settling and causing further harm. Techniques such as netting, spikes, or electric shock systems can make roosting or nesting areas less attractive or inaccessible for pigeons. By implementing these methods, the risk of diseases like salmonella, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis can be significantly reduced. Additionally, pigeon droppings can corrode buildings and infrastructure, leading to costly repairs. Taking action against pigeons is crucial to protect public health and prevent property damage.”

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any legal restrictions on getting rid of pigeons?

Yes, there are legal restrictions on getting rid of pigeons in many jurisdictions. These restrictions aim to protect wildlife and prevent animal cruelty. It is advisable to consult local laws or seek professional advice before implementing any pigeon control measures.

Can pigeons transmit diseases to humans?

Pigeons can transmit diseases to humans, including salmonellosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis. These diseases can be contracted through contact with pigeon droppings or inhalation of fungal spores present in their droppings. Proper pest control measures are essential to minimize the risk of transmission.

How do pigeons affect property damage?

Pigeons can cause property damage through their droppings, nesting habits, and pecking. Their acidic droppings can corrode buildings and structures, while nests and pecking can dislodge roof tiles and damage ventilation systems.

Are there any natural remedies to repel pigeons?

One interesting statistic is that pigeons produce an estimated 25 pounds of droppings per year, which can lead to property damage and pose health risks. Natural remedies to repel pigeons include using visual deterrents, and sound devices, and applying repellent gels or sprays.

What are some long-term solutions to prevent pigeons from returning?

Long-term solutions to prevent pigeons from returning include installing physical barriers like netting or spikes, using sound deterrents such as ultrasonic devices, applying pigeon repellents like bird gel or taste aversion products, and implementing regular cleaning and maintenance practices to remove food sources.


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