pigeon netting to get rid of pigeons

How Much Does It Cost To Get Rid Of Pigeons

Pigeons, frequently seen as symbols of peace and tranquillity, can quickly turn into a nuisance, primarily when their populations spiral out of control. Besides creating unsightly messes, these birds can carry various diseases, posing significant health risks. Dealing with these problems promptly and effectively is crucial. As with any service, the cost of pigeon control is subject to various factors.

The Nature of Pigeon Problems

Understanding the pigeon problem’s nature is the first step towards formulating an effective and efficient pigeon control strategy. Pigeons can become a problem for both residential and commercial properties. They tend to roost on rooftops, window ledges, and balconies, where they build their nests, lay eggs, and raise their young.

The primary issue with pigeon infestation is their droppings, which are not only visually unattractive but also hazardous. Pigeon droppings can cause damage to the structure of buildings and can pose a slipping hazard when accumulated on walkways and pavements. Moreover, they can carry diseases such as Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis, and Psittacosis, posing significant health risks.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Pigeon Control

The Extent of the Infestation

The first and foremost factor that determines the cost of pigeon control is the extent of the infestation. If there are a substantial number of pigeons roosting on your property, causing extensive damage and large amounts of droppings, you’re dealing with a large infestation. Dealing with such an infestation will naturally require more resources, labour, and time, increasing the cost. On the other hand, a smaller infestation will require less effort and hence, cost less.

Location and Accessibility

The location of your property and the accessibility of the infested area are other crucial factors that can influence the cost. If the affected area is hard to reach (e.g., high rooftops or inside intricate architectural structures), the cost of treatment can escalate. This is due to the need for specialised equipment and the increased risk associated with accessing these areas. Similarly, if your property is located in a remote area, the travel time and cost can add to the overall charges.

Pigeon Control Methods

Pigeon control can be approached in several ways, each with its cost implications. Some methods involve deterrents such as spikes, nets, and bird wires. These are relatively inexpensive options but may not be effective against large infestations. Other methods like trapping, culling, and advanced deterrent systems, like electronic devices and laser technology, might be more effective but also more costly.

Size of the Property

The size of the property or the area to be treated also plays a vital role in determining the cost. Larger areas will require more materials for treatment, more labour, and more time, which all add to the cost. Conversely, treating a smaller area will be quicker and require fewer resources, leading to lower costs.

Breaking Down the Cost of Pigeon Control

Understanding the different components of pigeon control costs can help property owners better anticipate the total cost and make informed decisions. The following sections provide a detailed breakdown of the various aspects contributing to the total cost.

Initial Inspection

Before implementing any pigeon control measures, a thorough inspection of the property is necessary. This inspection aims to assess the scale of the infestation, understand the nature of the problem, identify the roosting and nesting areas, and determine the best course of action. An initial inspection by a professional can cost anywhere from £50 to £150, depending on the location, the property’s size, and the extent of the infestation.

Pigeon Deterrents

Pigeon deterrents are usually the first line of defence against a pigeon problem. These deterrents discourage pigeons from roosting on your property, thus preventing them from creating messes or causing damage. The cost of pigeon deterrents varies depending on the type of deterrent used and the complexity of the installation.

For example, bird spikes, which prevent pigeons from landing or nesting on surfaces, might cost between £10-£20 per metre, depending on the type of spike and the installation complexity. Bird nets, which block off access to roosting or nesting areas, could be priced between £20-£40 per square metre, depending on the net’s quality and the installation complexity. More sophisticated systems, like electronic deterrents that use sounds or shocks to deter pigeons, might cost several hundred pounds.

Bird Proofing

Bird proofing includes measures that prevent birds from accessing potential roosting or nesting sites. This can involve installing physical barriers, like bird spikes or bird netting, or modifying the environment, like removing food sources or blocking access to shelter. Bird proofing can be a cost-effective long-term solution as it helps to prevent future infestations. The cost of bird proofing can range between £200 and £500, depending on the methods used and the extent of the area to be proofed.

Cleaning and Sanitation

Once the pigeons are removed or deterred from the property, cleaning and sanitation are necessary to remove any remaining droppings, feathers, or other debris. This also helps to eliminate any potential health risks associated with pigeon droppings. Professional cleaning services use specialised cleaning agents and equipment to ensure a thorough clean-up. The cost for professional cleaning and sanitation can range between £50 and £200, depending on the area’s size and the extent of the contamination.

Pigeon Trapping and Culling

In situations where the pigeon population is too large to control using deterrents or proofing, trapping and culling might be necessary. Trapping involves using specially designed cages or nets to catch the pigeons, which are then relocated or euthanised, depending on local regulations and ethical considerations.

Culling, or the deliberate killing of pigeons, is a controversial method and is typically used as a last resort when other methods have failed or when the pigeon population poses a significant health risk. Both trapping and culling require expertise and specialised equipment, and the cost can range from £150-£500, depending on the number of pigeons, the number of visits required, and the specific methods used.

Strategies for Pigeon Control

Effective pigeon control requires a combination of methods to ensure a long-term solution. Below are some of the common strategies employed by pigeon control professionals:

Installing Deterrents

Deterrents serve as the first line of defence against pigeon infestation. These come in various forms, such as physical barriers (e.g., bird spikes, bird wires, bird nets), visual deterrents (e.g., reflective objects, decoy predators), auditory deterrents (e.g., ultrasonic devices, distress call emitters), and tactile deterrents (e.g., sticky gels, electrical tracks).


Trapping is a humane and effective way of reducing the pigeon population. It involves setting up traps in strategic locations, baiting the pigeons into the traps, and regularly checking and emptying the traps. The trapped pigeons can then be relocated or euthanised, depending on the specific circumstances and regulations.


Culling involves the deliberate killing of pigeons and is usually reserved for severe infestations where other methods have proved ineffective. Culling can be carried out using various methods, such as

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What factors influence the cost of pigeon control?

The cost of pigeon control is determined by the extent of the infestation, location and accessibility of the property, pigeon control methods used, and the size of the property or area to be treated.

2. How much does an initial inspection cost?

The initial inspection cost can range from £50 to £150, depending on the location, the size of the property, and the extent of the pigeon infestation.

3. What is the cost of pigeon deterrents?

The cost of pigeon deterrents varies depending on the type and the complexity of the installation. Bird spikes might cost between £10-£20 per metre, while bird nets could be priced between £20-£40 per square metre. More sophisticated systems, like electronic deterrents, might cost several hundred pounds.

4. How much does bird proofing cost?

The cost of bird proofing, which includes measures that prevent birds from accessing potential roosting or nesting sites, can range between £200 and £500, depending on the methods used and the extent of the area to be proofed.

5. What is the cost of cleaning and sanitation after pigeon removal?

Professional cleaning and sanitation can range between £50 and £200, depending on the area’s size and the extent of the contamination.

6. How much does pigeon trapping and culling cost?

Trapping and culling can range from £150-£500, depending on the number of pigeons, the number of visits required, and the specific methods used.

7. What strategies are used for pigeon control?

Effective pigeon control strategies include installing deterrents, trapping, culling, and bird proofing.

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